Page 127 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 127
Fields of Green for ALL • Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws
Other Suggested Departments
A Bureau of Traditions within the office of the Cannabis OmBUDsman should be established.
This will be composed of experts in all fields – anthropologists, ethnobotanists, traditional healers,
historians, Cannabis “terroir” connoisseurs, etc.
The Bureau of Historical Justice within the office would be in charge of easing the processes of
remedy, reparations and expungements for the victims of prohibition and historical injustices /
violations of their rights.
Dagga task forces would complement field work – we suggest four task forces be set up initially:
Empowerment of Women; the Youth and People with Disabilities; Medical Patients; Townships
and Rural areas are suggested areas of focus for this.
The mandates of the Office are to: in order to disseminate information around
• Approve and register Hubs (see chapter; Cannabis regulation in all areas of South Africa.
• Approve legacy Hubs and monitor and help This is achieved through existing community
them in preserving TK and TCE; structures and through media such as
community radio stations. In the establishment
• Approve and register transformation facilities of this task force, recognition must be given to
and companies; existing organisations who have already begun
• Recommend testing facilities to Hubs; this important work;
• Hold a register of accredited support industries • Monitor reform implementation;
(processing and manufacturing, transport, etc.); • Protect the rights of citizens and the
• Develop information leaflets explaining clearly opportunities of access to legal market for all;
the different options to enter the legal market, • Protect Against corruption at Hub level, a very
in all 11 official languages; serious issue;
• Develop standard operating procedures – for • Lead research and development;
gradual implementation by all businesses; • Promote gender equality and effective, inclusive
• Implement task forces – must be appointed participation.
by the office of the Cannabis OmBUDsman
5.5.2 Minimum Age For Use Of Cannabis
As with alcohol and tobacco, adult-use Cannabis the right to health and to receive treatment, the
should never be available for sale or supply to MCUA must not apply to those under 18 who have
people under the age of 18, unless prescribed been prescribed Cannabis for medicinal reasons.
by a doctor for a specific medical condition.
Under South African law, one becomes an adult Under South African law, adults who willfully
at the age of 18 and assumes the rights and supply alcohol to minors, with ill intent, are
responsibilities of any other adult. The minimum criminally charged, and the corresponding
legal drinking age (MLDA) in South Africa being set Cannabis laws pertaining to this section should
at 18, the minimum Cannabis use age (MCUA) in mirror those of alcohol. However, all cases can
South Africa should mirror that of alcohol. approach the Cannabis OmBUDsman for advice
and direction to ensure that legal process is
Cannabis has medical uses, and the recent move followed and all evidence taken into account.
of Cannabis from Schedule 7 to Schedule 6 of the Supplying minors with Cannabis within family,
Medicines Control Act shows the government’s traditional or religious settings should be seen in
commitment in this regard. To be consistent with the same way as alcohol. The Catholic church gives
CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA • THE PEOPLE’S PLANT • A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform 83