Page 105 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 105

Fields of Green for ALL  •  Collectively Reforming South African Cannabis Laws

            Friends-led collective cultivation has existed for a   the black market; to actively contribute to society;
            long time, but its formalisation as DPCs began on   and to ensure that this takes place in a private
            20 April 2019 with the launch of the South African   environment in order to conform to the Privacy
            Dagga Private Club Initiative .                    Judgement.
            Driven by community enhancement and                No supplementary regulation is needed, as DPCs
            development, DPCs are typically small-to-medium-   are already regulated by existing laws on non-
            sized groups of private individuals, pooling their   profit companies . This model just needs to be
            resources towards the communal cultivation of      acknowledged and included in new legislative
            Cannabis, limited to the needs and consumption     texts relating to Cannabis and from there can
            habits of the individual. Products are then        be managed by the Office of the Cannabis
            distributed internally to members of the private   OmBUDsman. Once recognised by law, the DPC
            club only, for their personal consumption.         will become one of the most important sectors
                                                               for the recognition of the informal/unregulated
            The purpose of the DPC is to ensure that Cannabis   small-scale Cannabis economy. DPCs have a
            users have a platform from which to exercise their   responsibility to contribute to the community, and
            rights safely; to educate the Cannabis community   one of the ways to do this is to provide a support
            on their rights, safe consumption habits and       system for entrepreneurs wishing to transition to
            other related information; to avoid partaking in   the Kasinomics level of involvement.

    Foundational Principles In A Dagga Private Club

            In order for a DPC to stay true to its intended    to Cannabis. Clubs are also expected to contribute
            purpose, there are four foundational principles    to its external community. This can either be done
            that a DPC needs to subscribe to. These principles   financially with any profit that might result from
            are designed to limit the extent to which the DPC   the Club’s activities; or a donation in the form
            model can be interpreted and amended, without      of labour or skills that could be required by the
            sacrificing the integrity of the initiative.       community.
    Non-profitability               Transparency
            Dagga Private Clubs are of a non-profit nature.    Although Dagga Private Clubs should operate
            Any profits obtained are to be reinvested in the   privately, it should be transparent about its
            Club and should be used to further the goals of the   processes and the contributions required to
            Club; or should be donated to the Club’s adopted   maintain the Club’s operations. Clubs should be
            cause. No financial benefits are to be distributed   legally registered non-profit organisations and
            among members, but instead the Club should         maintain records of all its activities, which should
            aim to generate legal employment and justifiable   be made available to stakeholders as appropriate.
            salaries as compensation for Club-related duties.   This includes financial records, distribution records,
            No trade is taking place, but rather expenses      and production records.
            related to cultivating, processing and distributing
            the Cannabis are covered by the individual  supply Follows Demand
            members of the collective.                         The DPC requires a member to state their
                                                               consumption habits upon joining the Club. In
    Community-oriented                      this way, the DPC determines the demand of its

            Clubs revolve around their community, both         members. Informed by these statistics, the DPC
            its immediate and external community. In its       only then plans its growing operation, so that it can
            immediate community, the Club’s goals should       provide sufficient amounts and quality of Cannabis
            relate to providing quality and sufficient supply of   to satisfy its members. It is reasonable for the DPC
            Cannabis to its members in a safe and traceable    to cultivate slightly more than what it needs, as an
            environment, while educating their members on      insurance policy against diseases, acts of nature or
            responsible use and their legal rights as they relate   any other event that may lead to loss of crops.

            CANNABIS IN SOUTH AFRICA  •  THE PEOPLE’S PLANT  •  A Full-Spectrum Manifesto For Policy Reform  61
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