Page 59 - PET 101 EBOOK
P. 59


                      Activating prior knowledge of students is key to learning

                                        Constructivism                                       learning                          theory                     suggests                        that               new

                                        knowledge is constructed from the old one

                                                                                            Figure 1: The model of prior knowledge

                                      It is essential that we make connections between what new

                                      is being presented with our prior experiences.

                                        Learning progresses primarily from prior knowledge, and

                                        only secondarily from the materials we present to students.

                                                                                                        RESEARCHERS' PERSPECTIVES

                                Jean Piaget (The Swiss Pschologist)                                                                         John Dewey (Philosopher, Child-

                                       Educating children is one of the                                                                                     Centered Educator)

                                       society's most important tasks                                                                      He focused on the growth of a child's

                                       Youngsters like adults, will combine                                                                capabilities and interests more than

                                       their prior knowledge with experience                                                               the mandates of a curiculum

                                       Learners make sense of their                                                                        Learning as an activity which

                                       experiences using their own                                                                         incorporated actual problems

                                       schemata(meaning: a cognitive                                                                       necessitated a careful integration of

                                       framework or concept that helps                                                                     lessons with specific learners

                                       organize and interpret information)
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