Page 61 - PET 101 EBOOK
P. 61

prior knowledge ?
                                                               H O W   T O   B U I L D

                                                                                                                                                          Teaching words in


                                         Use contrasts and                                                                                                  try to give the students

                                               comparisons                                                                                                  a list of easy thing such
                                                                                                                                                            as pineapple, apple

                                                                                                                                                            and banana.

                                          give children puzzlers like,                                                                                      ask them in which

                                          “Is an artichoke a type of                                                                                        categories does this list

                                          fruit? Why is it or is it not a                                                                                   belong to (fruit).

                                          kind of fruit?”                                                                                                   Categories of objects

                                          Puzzlers help children think                                                                                      begin to develop

                                          outside the immediate                                                                                             concepts, and the use

                                          context and consider the                                                                                          of generic nouns (fruit)

                                          reasoning behind these                                                                                            has been shown to be

                                          contrasts and                                                                                                     highly related to

                                          comparisons, which can

                                          further their understanding                                                                                       language and

                                          of categories and concepts.                                                                                       vocabulary

                                                                                                                                                               Use analogies

                                                                                                                                                     Analogies help children

                                                                                                                                                     build knowledge because

                                                                                                                                                     they compare something

                                                                                                                                                     new to something we
                               Encourage topic-
                                                                                                                                                     already know.
                        focused wide reading.
                                                                                                                                                     For example, apply

                                  Encourage children to                                                                                              example like, “bird is to

                                  identify an interest and                                                                                           feather as dog is to… (fur).”

                                  read as many books as                                                                                              Children can use similes

                                  they can on one topic.                                                                                             (comparisons using the

                                  Outcomes: they will                                                                                                words like or as) or

                                  develop a deeper                                                                                                   metaphors (comparisons

                                  knowledge and                                                                                                      without using like or as) to

                                  expertise on a topic,                                                                                              build new knowledge.

                                  hence, these interests

                                  will drive children to

                                  read more.
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