Page 72 - PET 101 EBOOK
P. 72

S T A G E   O F   R E A D I N G


                             SCANNING                                                                          BUILD                                                           SCAN THE

                                                                                                  KNOWLEDGE                                                             VOCABULARY

                    It simply means that do a

                    quick reading o the text                                                                                                                           Quickly look over the

                    and look for keywords,                                                   In this first of all think about                                          text for new words and

                    ideas, phrases, visuals,                                                the topic and then acquaint                                                then try to find their

                    subheadings, and format.                                                you with the content. Also,                                                meaning from the

                                                                                            make yourself familiar with

                                                                                            the language, format, topic,

                                                                                            issue, and ideas that it will

                                                                                            cover. In addition, in what

                                                                                            way the language and

                                                                                            organization of the text are

                                                                                            used for specific purposes.

                             QUESTIONS                                                      Besides, the purpose of

                                                                                            writing can be describing,                                                                 MAKE

                     Ask  some  questions  before                                           informing, persuading,                                                        PREDICTIONS

                     you        start         reading,            which                     interacting, finding out,

                     according  to  you  the  text                                          entertaining, recording, and

                     will answer.                                                           regulating.

                                                                                                                                                                       Use the title or sub-

                                                                                                                                                                       heading to generate

                                                                                                                                                                       an idea about the

                                                                                                                                                                       book or text. Also, try

                                 SET UP A                                                                                                                              to figure out how the

                                PURPOSE                                                                                                                                writer will try to

                                                                                                                                                                       communicate the
                                                                                                                                                                       topic. Besides,

                      Decide a written or
                                                                                                                                                                       prediction makes you
                      mental goal for your
                                                                                                                                                                       curious about what the

                      reading. Moreover, this                                                It is a process in which a
                                                                                                                                                                       topic is.
                      purpose will help you to                                               person just do a surface

                      locate the specific                                                    level reading and pay

                                                                                             attention to the visuals, sub-
                      information or idea that
                                                                                             headings, and format to
                      you need to summarize

                                                                                             govern if the text gives the
                      the text.
                                                                                             information it needs or not.
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