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                    OF READING DEVELOPMENT (CONT.)

                                                          1.  refine and expand their decoding skills, increase automaticity of word

                                                              recognition, increase their rate of reading, increase their vocabulary

      T R A N S I T I O N A L                                 knowledge, and increase their level of comprehension

               R E A D E R S                             2.   use sources of information and strategies like checking, predicting, and

                                                              confirming, clarifying, self- correct

                                                         3.   Use familiar part of the words (beginning, middle, end) to a problem-

                                                              solve unknown words.

                                                         4.   LEVEL OF READERS: last until the end of third grade

                                                               1. they are comprehending readers and at this stage, they shift

                                                                  from learning how to read to reading to learn.

                                                              2.  able to access their background knowledge to gain insight into

                                                                  and connect with written text.
        I N D E P E N D E N T

                                                              3.  begin to more fully develop their understanding of meanings that
               R E A D E R S

                                                                  are not explicitly stated.

                                                              4.  exposed to strategies that they can use to increase their

                                                                  understanding of what they read and they continue to learn new

                                                                  words that help with comprehension.

                                                              5.  LEVEL OF READERS: last until the end of ninth grade.

                                                               1. able to critically analyze the text they read from different

                                                                  perspectives and they usually read a vast range of styles and

           A D V A N C E D

               R E A D E R S
                                                             2.   continue to develop their vocabulary and use multiple strategies

                                                                  to increase comprehension.

                                                             3.   generally very fluent and efficient in their approach to reading and

                                                                  they have multiple strategies that they can draw upon to get

                                                                  meaning from what they read.

                                                             4.   able to read multiple viewpoints, critically analyze the viewpoints

                                                                  and information in each of them
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