Page 25 - Part 2 Collaborating with Advanced Practice Providers - An Overview of State Rules
P. 25
SVMIC Collaborating with Advanced Practice Providers
This course has attempted to answer frequently asked questions when
entering into a supervisory or collaborative relationship with an APP.
Many laws and regulations have been discussed and strategies outlined
to assist in navigating those requirements. Whether a provider is in a
solo practice or is part of a large group, supervising or collaborating with
an APP may greatly improve the provider’s quality of life as well as
patient safety and satisfaction. Take the time to ensure the bases are
covered and protocols and procedures are evaluated, and awareness of
potential professional liability. Inappropriate delegation, inadequate
supervision, failure to demonstrate the appropriate review and counter
signatures if required by state law and responsibility for an excessive
number of APPs are the primary causes for allegations of unprofessional
conduct or assisting in the unauthorized practice of medicine.
Many of the strategies listed next may be required actions on the
physician’s part before undertaking to supervise or collaborate with
APPs. Understanding and adherence to basic principles is everyone’s
goal that can be accomplished with due diligence and meeting mutual
expectations. The following strategies are provided to summarize some
of the topics covered and give a framework to consider.
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