Page 21 - 2020 Risk Reduction Series Effective Systems_Part 1_Flipbook
P. 21

SVMIC Risk Reduction Series:  Effective Systems

                                         PITFALL:    Combination  of  paper  and  electronic

                                         TIP:   Using  both  paper  and  EHR  can  lead  to

                                         scattered,  disjointed  records.  Important  history  or
                                         clinical information may be overlooked if the physician
                                         is unsure where to look for information. If the medical
                                         recordkeeping  relies  on  a  combination  of  EHR  and
                                         paper records, pay special attention to the safety of
                                         follow-up systems. Scan the relevant paper records so
                                         there is only one source of information.

                                         PITFALL:    Physician  or  other  provider  “hold-out”
                                         (declining to transition to EHR)

                                         TIP:  Connect the provider with a super-user, provide
                                         additional training, or employ a scribe.

                                         PITFALL:  Results entered into the patient’s record
                                         without provider review

                                         TIP:  If tests or reports are received via hard copy,
                                         they  should  be  reviewed  and  initialed  by  the

                                         physician and the patient notified of the results before
                                         they are scanned into the record.

                                         TIP:  If the tests or reports are scanned prior to the
                                         physician’s  review  or  uploaded  directly  into  the
                                         electronic record, they should be:
                                           •  Flagged as received and tasked to the physician,
                                             thereby necessitating review electronically along with

                                             notification to the patient;
                                           •  Reassigned to another provider to review when the
                                             ordering provider is not in the o€ice (i.e. sick,
                                             vacation, etc.); and

                                           •  Periodically reviewed by the administrator/manager
                                             to verify that tasks in provider inboxes are addressed

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