P. 46
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 6
The "Sloughi" moored at its post before the swing bridge.
In 1948, Morocco saw the creation of a large number of small companies attracted by
lucrative investments in tanker operations. By 1953, only seven pinardiers remained in
service, including the “Sloughi”, due to falling traffic and competition from other wine-
producing countries.
In the thirties, Brittany didn't produce much wine, except in Loire-Inférieure, but after
the fifties, the Bretons consumed a lot of it, and strong wine at that. Wines from Oran,
Mostaganem 13- 14° are blended with those from Algiers and Constantine. Mascara is 20°
and higher. In 1963, Le Légué port traffic totaled 255,519 tons. On the import side
(Guével et Rio), wine came first, followed by hydrocarbons, then maërl and wood. Only
17,000 tons were exported.
After thirty-four years in business, this veteran arrived in Briton Ferry (Southwest
England) on October 21st 1978, only to succumb under the blowtorches of a demolition