Page 32 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 32
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 3 2
On the right, a very typical traditional Galgo
español, without crossbreeding with
Podenco or Greyhound.
Claudia Gaede tell us:
"The Galgo should have a three-part topline:
Back straight, then the arched loin, which is
at least at the level of the withers, but
preferably even higher, quasi overbuilt. From
the hip humps it should then slope at an angle
of approximately 45° like a writing desk. The
tail should hang down when standing, so that Very typical Galgo español © Gaede
the tip almost touches or even touches the
ground in front of the hind feet. In movement The execution of the hunt in today's Spain
a lateral hook is then very desirable." is reminiscent of the mosaic of El Jem.
Can we imagine a Vertragus similar to this? Hunting hares with Galgos españoles in
competition in Spain today follows strict
rules. First, mounted judges or magistrates
check that the hare is not too young or
otherwise unsuitable, then the two Galgos
are let off the leash.
Galgos españoles on the leash © Gaede