Page 33 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 33

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  3

                                           Galgos españoles chase a hare © Gaede

        Judging is on horseback. The run of the two           This horse breed, which was strictly
        Galgos is judged after release by whistle or          regulated in 1912, goes back mainly to the
        hand signal. It is unimportant whether the            horses of the Berbers, as we certainly find
        hare is caught or not. In the mosaic of El            them depicted on the mosaics in Roman
        Jem and others there is the raising of the            times. Arrian describes them as the fastest

        right arm as a signal. It is a contest                horses of his time. The PRE comes in the
        between the cleverness and speed of the               coat colours white, which is the traditional
        hare and the dogs' ability to track and               colour, but also in brown, black and
        catch the hare.                                       chestnut.

        The horse shown in the photo
         above is a "PRE", a horse of the

        "Pura Raza Española" (17).

         Galgos españoles in full gallop, the catch is
          very similar in the dogs in the mosaic of
                      El Jem © Gaede
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