Page 35 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 35

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  5

                                         Azawakh, north of Tanout, Niger 2017 © G. Hanß

        Also, the idea of "al-Andalus" (19) still exists       The Tuareg are considered the breeders of
        today in North Africa. Galgos españoles are            the sighthound called Azawakh in the breed
        still occasionally integrated into the                 standard FCI No. 307.

        Sloughi breed, which is close to an
        "outcross" in a way, but not the same. We              Breeders in the sense of: breeding selection
        have already studied this breeding idea                for certain characteristics that are and were
        with the Arabians (20).                                useful and necessary in their habitat.

        The proximity and kinship to the Azawakh               These characteristics make them primarily
                                                               guard and protection dogs for the herds and

        "Protégez l'Idi du Sahel!" This could be               tents of their owner, whom they closely
        understood as a battle cry for the                     follow. Only secondarily were Azawakhs kept
        preservation of the sighthounds of the                 and used as hunting dogs and show animals
        Azawakh Valley, which are very closely                 by the "noble" Tuareg.
        connected to the Berber nomadic Tuareg

        people. Dr. Werner Röder, together with                In considering this in relation to the Sloughi,
        the A.B.I.S. (Association Bourkinabé Idi du            which is also a sighthound of the Berbers,
        Sahel), accompanied by several Azawakh                 we have to make a small excursion into the
        breeders, has carried out expeditions since            origin and history of the Tuareg.
        1992, especially to Burkina Faso. Since 1996,
        the Azawakh Valley in Mali and areas in                The word Tuareg (21) is derived from the
        Niger have also been regularly visited.                word Targa, the Berber name for the

                                                               province of Fezzan in Libya.
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