Page 39 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 39

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  3  9

                          Azawakh as imagined beyond Africa: red sand-coloured, with white boots
                                     and white tail tip, near Gossi, Mali 2003 © G. Hanß

        Ursula Arnold, herself an Azawakh breeder             Oliver Becker mentions in his report an
        ('n shat-ehad) and traveller throughout               Oullimid Tuareg chief who spoke of the
        Africa in the 1980s, contradicts this view.           "right Idi, the Idi Idi".
        Her experience is that the Azawakh is first
        and foremost a hunting sighthound and                 Apparently, the quality of the Idi decreases

        that this is also the primary goal in                 when they are bred by the former vassals,
        breeding.                                             the Kel Tamaschek ("cultural family of the
                                                              Touareg"), the Haussa, the Peulh or the
        The A.B.I.S. expeditions started in March             Bella. Respect for the Idi is also declining.
        1992, about a decade later. Until 1996, the

        expeditions could only take place to                  However, Dr. Gabriele Meißen puts this
        Burkina Faso, then also to Niger and the              statement into perspective; in her statistics
        Azawakh Valley in Mali. During this time,             she refers to the "highly typical" and
        political and social changes were taking              "typical" Idis that are bred in all four ethnic
        place that altered these traditional forms of         groups mentioned. Her statistics of the
        families, inter-dependencies and transport            highly typical and typical Azawakh do not
        possibilities and the resulting changes in            take into account the coat colour. She

        daily life, as Dr. Röder also describes.              registers the greater appreciation of the Idi
        Ursula Arnold did not see any transitional            for the nomadic ethnic groups Tuareg,
        types from Azawakh to Sloughi in southern             Bella and Peulh. For the sedentary Haussa,
        Algeria and southern Libya in the 1980s,              for example, a slightly lower passion for the
        simply because the spaces were very large             Idi was recorded.
        and very few people were there.
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