Page 43 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 43
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 3
Landrace ... culture breed ... very selective Mutations can also be artificially induced or
breeding? organisms genetically modified. New plant
varieties or animal breeds are called new
If we look in the relevant encyclopaedia for breeds and are subject to legal regulations.
the definition of a landrace (29) the
description is quite concise and clear: Conventional breeding methods of crossing
landraces arise through natural selection and mating are limited in their possibilities
without systematic breeding, so they can of gene combination, as fertile reproduction
mate like wild animals, are therefore very among individuals of different species is
well adapted to the climatic and severely restricted, especially in animals (see
geographical conditions of an area, are mule). Genetic engineering is used to
frugal, hardy and genetically diverse (30).
overcome this species-specific limitation,
and its methods are the subject of
According to this definition, however, the
Azawakh would not be a landrace, because controversial debate. (32).
there are further criteria of selection: they
should defend the huts and herds, they At the same time as humans became
should follow their master closely and they sedentary, selection was made among both
should be used for occasional hunting. So is plants and animals as to which individuals
this a further selection by breeders, or do should reproduce as useful specimens.
they bring the required characteristics with Breeding began with this selection. In
them? selection breeding, the individual in which
the desired characteristics are most
Culture breeds are breeds created by pronounced is selected and used for further
selective breeding (31) of certain individuals. breeding."
"In biology, breeding is the controlled The culture breeds are therefore created
reproduction with the aim of genetic through formulated breeding goals.
reshaping. The aim is to strengthen desired Breeding objectives in the culture breeds
traits and suppress undesired traits. would first of all be separate breeding for
milk yield or meat yield, for example, in
In order to achieve these goals, the breeder cows.
carries out a breeding value assessment, for
example after a performance test, in order to
select individuals with desired characteristics
and to cross or mate them with each other.