Page 48 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 48
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 8
Azawakh, Menaka, Mali 2017 © G. Hanß
Let us take the Azawakhs or better: Idis as These Azawakhs are highly typical or
an example again. typical, although they are subject to
inbreeding only in rare exceptions.
As could be shown in various expeditions
of the A.B.I.S., the quality of the dogs If so many highly typical and typical
found in the countries of origin was well Azawakhs exist as a "landrace", what is the
over 80% highly typical or typical. The need for "very selectively breeding" of the
evaluation according to the FCI standard western type? And what is this "very
of "highly typical" or "typical", which Dr. selectively breeding" supposed to achieve
Gabriele Meißen made with the Azawakhs compared to a healthy and highly typical or
in Africa, however, did not refer to the typical population of a "landrace"?
coat colour.
Consequently, in the case of the Sloughi we
The coat colours there were far more would also have to ask the question of the
diverse than the FCI standard allows. The sense of "very selectively breeding", which
practice of western breeding tends to preferably uses very few males for mating,
maintain these narrow specifications with which in the meantime are so closely
little genetic basis, preferring to risk the related to each other through line breeding
dreaded "genetic bottleneck", which is that genetic problems are bound to occur.
equivalent to genetic depression!
But what would be a possible way out?
However, if one looks at the Azawakh's
areas of origin, this is apparently not a