Page 50 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 50

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  5  0

        Gerhard Hanß, who took part in several                  Very selective breeding in the mirror of

        A.B.I.S. expeditions, describes the situation           genetics
        there as follows:
                                                                In the course of the MARS analyses for
        "The uniform image of the Idis simply stems             the DWZRV (Deutscher Windhund Zucht-

        from the fact that there is no other type of            und Rennverband), which are to serve as a
        dog in wide areas. In the actual core area of           basis for further genetic assignments of
        the Azawakh landrace, foreign influences                dogs to their breeds, it was also possible
        disappear relatively quickly. In my opinion,            to show different degrees of relationship
        this is due to the genetics of the foreign              of the sighthound breeds in the 3D model.

        breeds not being adapted to the extreme                 However, there were also surprises.
        conditions. For example, at the airport in
        Bamako there were German Shepherds that                 Thus, in the Greyhound (35) two

        were used as sniffer dogs at customs. Despite           genetically separate clusters were found
        the best conditions - they lived in air-                for the "Show Grey" and the "Racing
                                                                Grey". This shows that "very selective
        conditioned rooms, were given the best food             breeding", which represents extreme
        etc. - they only lived for about two years. At          breeding in the selection of individuals,
        the edges of the distribution area, a slowly            ultimately leads to different breeds. In the

        progressive change of type can be clearly               Greyhound, the breeding objectives were
        seen."                                                  very one-sided for the dogs to be used for

                                                                showing or racing. It is interesting to note
        Dr. Röder was already breeding Azawakhs                 the relative genetic closeness of the

        before the expeditions of the A.B.I.S. and              Magyar Agar to the "Racing Grey".
        his breeding had an inbreeding problem
        based on the few specimens available to
        him in Europe at that time. After the
        experience on the ground in Africa, he
        recognised the possibilities to put the
        breeding on a broader basis.

        In the chart on the right, the Greyhounds from the
        DWZRV (red) and those from the UK/US (blue) are
        contrasted with the Magyar Agar (green). The
        Greyhounds fall into two groups! The distance between
        both groups is as big as between Magyar Agar and
        Greyhound. All individuals initially clustering with the
        Magyar Agar are racing dogs. All individuals in the
        distant cluster are "show dogs". Each cluster by itself
        shows a homogeneous picture (no data scatter). So it
        remains to be said that "show-greys" are clearly
        different from "racing-greys"! (36)
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