Page 46 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 46
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 6
In the meantime there are also people in So what would be possible goals of "very
the Maghreb who only take their Sloughis selectively breeding" our Sloughis? What
to the shows and who judge a Sloughi breeding goals would have to be defined?
mainly by his qualities in the show ring. "Very selective breeding" means breeding
that defines one-sided over-emphasised
But this must be seen as an erroneous breeding goals. Since we cannot define a
development! The Sloughi is first and higher milk yield and at the same time an
foremost a working dog, which should be "economical" production method as
up to its tasks in hunting and protecting breeding goals, as is the case with cows,
the herds and the house. This is the basis these would have to be other
on which it originated in Africa. This basis characteristics.
has been a solid foundation for thousands
of years and must remain so! The western Sloughi owner prefers a dear
dog that hears when called, that does not
The rather arbitrary preferences of hunt and that beautifully and elegantly
Western breeders, through their ideas on adorns its master or lady. And a Sloughi
other bases, produce their own "breed", should be sand-coloured with a black mask.
which may still resemble an original
Sloughi to some extent on the outside, but Sure, there are always different
who knows what dog we will be presented preferences when it comes to the Sloughi
with as a Sloughi in a hundred years' time? of choice. So do we follow fashion in the
future when everyone wants a blue Sloughi,
Is a Sloughi still a Sloughi if it is no longer as was already the case with the Afghan
endowed with the instinct of the hunter? Hound?
Or defends its master on instigation? The
broad skull mentioned in the standard is Dear reader, please name your favourite
already rarely encountered in favour of features that your Sloughi should have! We
more elegant forms (33). will be happy to give feedback on which are
the most popular features among you!