Page 45 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 45
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 5
Warda Bou Salem, 1-year-old on February 13, 2020 © Ochi
Finally, the standard was created according This way of looking at things has even gone
to the example of Sloughis from the so far that Sloughis from countries of
countries of origin. origin are no longer recognized or even
acknowledged as Sloughis! Where does this
The standard, however, has developed as a approach come from?
guideline strongly towards breeding
according to the phenotype, i.e. an external With Warda Bou Salem we have an
appearance, which, however, is open to excellent Sloughia in front of us, which is
interpretation and is understood differently used for hunting. But would she also last in
from individual to individual. This is also a show ring? Probably not! She is not to the
understandable, because every person has taste of many Sloughi owners in the West
a different "ideal of beauty" and selects and she is of the "long type", as Raouf Ochi
accordingly. Mind you, the standard is explains. The viewing habits of some
mainly used for the exhibition of the dog Sloughi owners are shaped by "their"
breeds at relevant show events! A breeder.
successful dog at a show is often chosen as
a partner for mating, especially if he or she So is it necessary to bring European-bred
has won the World Championship. Sloughis to North Africa to "improve" the