Page 40 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 40
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 0
Distribution of Azawakhs according to ethnic affiliation of the owner
Statistical survey of the Azawakh by Dr. Gabriele Meißen (Tombuktou's)
in A.B.I.S. issue 2 1996
The Azawakh was therefore originally Similar to the Sloughi, which has Morocco
strongly selected for various as its area of origin, the Azawakh has Mali
characteristics: guarding the herds and the as its area of origin in the standard (as of
huts, close attachment to its master, but 1996). This is sufficient as an orientation at
also hunting, etc. The form of husbandry first glance, but scientifically inadequate
encountered in the A.B.I.S. expeditions and untenable and should therefore be
therefore always produces typical / highly changed accordingly. Since 2019, the
typical dogs in high percentages, but this is northern border area between Mali and
the result of a free choice of breeding Niger has been entered in the standard,
partners in the tent settlements. Burkina Faso is still missing.
High-quality selection and yet a large Dr. Werner Röder states further:
genetic base require wide-ranging
populations encompassing different areas "The main function of the dog in pastoralist
of land, which develop over long periods of societies is to protect the herds, the herders
time. However, these different populations and the camp from predators and un-
are accessed by seasonal movements of the authorised human approach. ... Hunting is of
nomads and thus maintain a high level of secondary importance for nomads who
diversity with a high degree of similarity of specialise in herding and gathering. For the
the individuals due to similar requirements former noble caste of the Tuareg, hunting
of the nomads' culture. with the Azawakh and horse was above all a
status symbol, similar to the falconry still
practised today in Arab oil emirates.