Page 41 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 41
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 1
Highly typical Azawakh, colour and markings do not correspond to the standard,
south of Abalak, Niger 2017 © G. Hanß
It was in this context that the purposefully The reproductive conditions of the breed in
bred type of 'show animal' - un animal its country of origin are therefore quite
d'apparat - came into being, which the first different from the conditions in Europe,
European importers still encountered. Its where within a much smaller herd the long-
then preferred appearance - for example in term breeding of successful parents, often in
terms of colour and markings - is reflected mating repetitions and always with high
in the breed standard of the FCI. In fact, surviving litter sizes, is rather the rule."
these details are only a narrow section of
the genetic range of the purebred Azawakh The population of Azawakhs outside Africa
population that still exists today. The latter is based on a few imports in the late 1960s,
has - as in the majority since time when Renato Parigi bred first in Mali and
immemorial - the overall character of an then in France. A dog of a slightly different
unmixed landrace, among whose offspring type was imported to Yugoslavia by Dr.
the nomads select according to current Pecar, which he had received as a gift in
needs and partly according to traditional, the Menaka region, and later an Azawakh
performance-related traits. As a rule, from Burkina Faso was added. These
breeding selection through targeted mating Azawakhs were the basis on which the
does not take place. (27). standard was described.