Page 42 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 42
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 2
Azawakh without the white markings, white boots and white tail tip
required in the standard, east Menaka, Mali 2003 © G. Hanß
Until 1979 the Azawakh was called "Tuareg- As we have seen above, the Azawakh is
Sloughi" or "Sloughi-Azawakh" and shown described as a landrace, but in the
together with the Sloughis. During this time research trips of the ABIS it can be
there were also litters with parents from classified as 'highly typical' and 'typical'
both breeds (according to FCI). One with over 80% of the individuals found on
Azawakh was very successful as a Sloughi at site.
the time when there was no standard of the
Azawakh hounds in the 1970s. Breeding outside the areas of origin, i.e.
mainly in Europe and the USA, however,
With the foundation of the A.B.I.S. the follows completely different rules. Let us
Azawakh was researched in its occurrence take a closer look at the terms "landrace"
and characteristics (28). Thus the standard and "cultural breed", because this also
is based on a very narrow understanding of applies to the Sloughi to a certain extent.
the Azawakh and would have to be
professionally revised and supplemented by
the acquired knowledge.