Page 44 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 44
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 4
Amaya has made herself comfortable at home © T. Liedtke
If these breeding goals are taken further in So the intended use is the main focus for
a one-sided way, very selectively bred the culture breeds. But what about the
breeds are created that are used in standards of the dog breeds? In these
industrial animal breeding. For example, standards, mainly phenotypic
cows with a higher milk yield could be characteristics are described, i.e.
bred, such as the "Holstein-Friesian" breed characteristics that describe the
out of the German "Holstein-Friesische appearance of the respective breed.
Landschläge", or those that promise more
economical milk production through However, there may still be short
udders that are perfectly adapted to references in the standards to the origin of
milking machines by means of the breed or its characteristics, as for
geometrically seated teats of optimal example in the case of the Sloughi, No. 188:
"Origin North Africa. ... Although noble and
Very selective breeding is very often proud, he is very attached to his master and
oriented towards the usability of machines defends him when occasion arises. Endowed
"to produce a higher (milk) yield". with the instinct of the hunter and capable
of persistent effort, he nevertheless
A breeding bull that passes on such appreciates the comfortable comfort of a
desirable traits can produce 1.8 million home."
offspring! However, this comes at a price:
the very selectively bred cows he produces The standard applies equally to the
do not live long. At four to five years, they evaluation of Sloughis from the countries of
have passed the zenith of their origin as well as to Sloughis bred here in
performance. Then they are slaughtered. Europe or other non-African countries.
"Normal" dairy cows of a land breed can
live 15 to 16 years.