Page 52 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 52

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   5  2

                                                                The result was presented to the DWZRV
                                                                Breeding Commission members on the
                                                                3rd of December 2011.

                                                                321 markers were analysed in the breeds,
                                                                out of 40 proposed dogs about 25 were
                                                                selected for each of all the breeds;

                                                                depending on the breed there were small
                                                                deviations in the amount of dogs.

                                                                There is a close genetic relationship
                                                                between Sloughi and Galgo español on

                                                                the one hand, Sloughi and Azawakh (in
                                                                the same line to the Basenji) on the other

                     Mick the Miller ca. 1930
                                                                At the top of the mosaics we have now
          Genetic relationships                                 discovered a candidate, the Vertragus,
                                                                which probably appears nowadays in the

          There has been much speculation about the             form of the Galgo español.
          ancestors of the Sloughi. In earlier articles
          possible ancestors have already been                  This is not just speculation, as individual
          described and delimitations against others            breeders in North Africa report, it does
          have been made (39). The Asian Saluki has             happen that a Galgo español is said to
          been eliminated as a candidate for an                 give the Sloughi the final touch in terms

          ancestor.                                             of speed.

          The German Sighthound Breeding and                    And it seems to be historically correct
          Racing Association DWZRV had the                      when the Galgo español appears as a
          opportunity to make genetic investigations            breeding partner in North Africa, as the
          of the breed delimitation in their                    cultural connections through the Berbers
          association. Ursula Arnold coordinated the            of North Africa are also documented in

          collection of genetic samples with the                Spain over many centuries (Almoravids,
          analysis by the company MARS.                         Almohads).
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