Page 53 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 53

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   5  3

        The Galgo español breed (here: Spanish

        Greyhound BLUE) shows a well-defined
        cluster that is relatively close to that of the
        Sloughis (green). The Podengo portugues
        medio (red) scanned in do not play a role in
        this graph. Following further statements by

        MARS, it can be seen that the Sloughi is a
        link between the Mediterranean breeds and
        Galgos epañoles on the one hand and the
        Salukis on the other, which is quite
        understandable due to the geographical
        conditions. There is also a certain relation
        between the Galgos españoles and the

        Greyhounds, but at a much greater distance.             However, the Salukis (yellow, red) are
                                                                clearly distinguished in the breed-specific
                                                                description from the Sloughis (green) and
                                                                Azawakhs (blue). The green marked
                                                                Sloughi SL11 comes from French breeding

                                                                and is apparently a cross between
                                                                Azawakh and Sloughi.
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