Page 58 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 58

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  5  8

                      From top to bottom left: short hair, wire hair, wire hair with curls, long hair, long
                      hair with furnishing, curly, curly with furnishings
                      Second column: examples of breeds with such coats
                      3rd, 4th and 5th columns: genes involved and their mutations.
                      WT= wild type, Mut.= mutation
                      Genetic study of coat length and coat structure in domesticated dogs, E.Cadieu,
                      H.Parker, R.K.Wayne, E.A. Ostrander et al. 2009

        Nevertheless, a broad study at the Broad                So here again we see that the Sloughi, like

        Institute in Harvard (with Robert Wayne on              the Azawakh, are dogs of quite primitive
        the team) on the genetic disposition of the             ancestry, which should not be the case
        coat structure found that some things can               with the Salukis, at least the feathered
        be said about it for dog breeding.                      Salukis, and the Afghans.

        Bryan Sykes states:                                     Bryan Sykes continues

        .".. The study is particularly remarkable               "... As long as pedigree dogs are bred, there
        because the researchers were able to identify           will be genetic problems due to inbreeding.
        virtually all hair variations in all breeds by          They can be contained, but never

        examining combinations of just three genes.             completely eliminated. But if the will is
        ... None of these three mutated genes was               there, it can be controlled. In recent years,
        found in the genome of three grey wolves -              zoos have also started to face up to the
        admittedly a very small sample - and just as            negative consequences of inbreeding and,
        little in short-haired dogs. This strongly              in order to minimise the risks, have

        suggests that the original dog was short-               developed reproduction plans that also
        haired and had neither furnishings nor curls."          provide for a regular exchange of animals
        (46).                                                   between zoos. ... If the genetic diversity
                                                                falls below a certain level, survival is

                                                                virtually impossible due to inbreeding
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