Page 62 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 62

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   6  2


          My heartfelt thanks at this first point go to a lady who does not want to be named, who
          already shared her enormous wealth of knowledge, experience and suggestions from it
          with me in "Tohuwabohu" and who warned me of pitfalls that had to be avoided! She
          generously made Bryan Sykes' book available to me and thus made this important
          section in this article possible.

          Mohamed Yacoub must be mentioned here because without his great commitment this
          unique collection of Roman mosaics in North Africa in the Bardo Museum in Tunis
          would not have come into being. With this collection, we have also received the
          scientific processing and basis of this topic through him.

          I would like to thank Professor Dr. Kai Brodersen for his uncomplicated and attentive
          manner, through which he provided me with valuable guidance in the understanding
          and use of texts and terms in antiquity. His translations of the texts of Xenophon and
          Arrian into German are indispensable if one wants to deal with this subject.

          I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Gabriele Meißen for the documentation

          of the A.B.I.S. expeditions, but also for her suggestions and also explanations for the
          understanding of the various topics around the Azawakh. Her friendly and
          straightforward help in all questions around the Azawakh were the basis for the
          development of the topic here in this article.

          Ursula Arnold also sent me the relevant documents for this article from the genetic

          tests carried out by the MARS company in 2011 without any complications and, in
          addition, she reported from her rich wealth of experience with regard to the Azawakh,
          but also with regard to the other types of dogs found in Africa, which she got to know
          during her travels throughout Africa.

          Gerhard Hanß, who also took part in various expeditions of the A.B.I.S., described his
          impressions and provided me with excellent photos of his journeys. Many thanks for


          In this list I must not neglect Claudia Gaede: in the jungle of understanding the Galgo
          español, she has paved the way for me, provided these wonderful photos and certainly
          sometimes exposed herself to impossible discussions with me! Thank you for that!
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