Page 61 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 61
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 6 1
Bryan Sykes' explanations and descriptions However, the father of the litter must be
enlighten us as to the situation we are in excluded from further breeding, for he
genetically here in the Western world and would possibly sire many offspring.
what possibilities we have to lead the
Sloughi, but perhaps also other sighthound A solid foundation would be indispensable
breeds, into a good and healthy future. for breeding healthy individuals.
However, as the Sloughis belong to the rarer The foundation must be a clarity of the
breeds, each individual with its inherited genetic basis, an openness in the dialogue
genes is to be considered valuable. between the breeders and the openness
of the sighthound fanciers in the shows
Dr. Dominique de Caprona rightly points out not to lose sight of the big picture in the
that: fight for the small things.
".. in litters with genetic disease affected This requires a basis of knowledge, not of
pups, GENOTYPING should be carried out on assumptions that cannot be proven!
all puppies for that disease so as not to
eliminate puppies not affected by the disease So how can we imagine the Sloughi in the
(either clear of it or carriers). future?
If the parents are outstanding and are The Sloughi should be a companionable,
obviously carriers, their next future mate instinctive dog that is also alert -
should be genotyped and clear of the disease. originating in North Africa. He should be
Then the puppies are again genotyped, and able to catch a hare in the field while
the puppies clear of the defect can be bred running, because after all, that is
traditionally the definition of a
sighthound. His beauty, however, grows
out of his practical qualities, a sum of
This is how you select; the parents, if good gifts inherited from his ancestors.
OUTSTANDING, do not need to be removed
from the gene pool if they are bred a second For me, Latif Schuru-esch-Schams
time with dogs that are genotyped clear!" embodied these qualities perfectly, a
sovereign male, a gentleman as one could
As we have read above, statistically only 25% only wish for as a companion!
of a litter is born with the genetic defect. To
exclude a whole litter from breeding is out Sine ira et studio - without anger and
of the question. zeal. Sic.