Page 60 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 60

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  6  0

        After all, one could select every trait and
        enrich it in the breed. If one suddenly decided
        that all hounds should have brown eyes and

        black eye rings, one could select for this trait
        and get a pack in which almost all animals
        have brown eyes with black rings. The trouble
        is that you'd probably get something else in the

        process and the animals would have three toes
        or something." (Says Huntsman John Holliday
        on the basics of keeping a pack) (48).

        Finally - the Romans would say: "Conclusio"*

        The Sloughi type, which has presented itself
                                                                         Mongrel, father Galgo español, mother
        in the same way over the centuries, less from                  Sloughi, Northern Algeria 2021 © Abdeljalil
        the FCI Standard phenotype in detail (ears,
        tail) than from the traditional type, which had             However, the Azawakh is perhaps a little
        to satisfy different characteristics - guardian             closer to the Sloughi than the Galgo

        of herds and house, hunter of hare, fox, jackal             español is, both historically and
        and gazelle - can still claim its right to exist            genetically, one could well imagine at
        today.                                                      least a transitional type in southern
                                                                    Algeria and Libya.
        Starting with the Romans, who were African

        Romans, who have left us their eloquent,                    A Galgo español would be recognised
        lively and closely observant mosaics about                  more quickly from a mating.
        their way of hunting and with which dogs
        they went hunting, we looked at the                         But what is particularly valuable in the
        historically traceable neighbouring breeds of               observation of the Azawakh is that with
        the predecessors of the Sloughi, those of the               the A.B.I.S. expeditions from the
        Azawakh and the Galgo español.                              beginning of the 1990s onward, a
                                                                    scientific survey of the (breeding) stock

        In the case of the Galgo español, we could see              and the conditions on the ground is
        that the way of hunting today still bears a                 brought before us as a kind of model and
        great resemblance to the hunting in North                   stimulus for responsible breeding in
        Africa, as we can witness in the mosaics.                   western countries in the future.

        *Editor's note : in Latin.
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