Page 59 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 59

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  5  9

        In the distant past, the criteria for breeding          Foxhounds are a dog breed that
        selection were basically based on the dog's             originated in England. You don't see them
        performance, and appearance was only a                  at dog shows. They are only bred for
        secondary consideration. In the last 150 years,         hunting in packs. The pack Sykes writes

        this has changed because dog breeding is                about is the Hounds of the Belvoir Hunt
        closely oriented to the defined 'breed                  of the Earl of Rutland in Leicestershire.
        standard', and this primarily determines

        appearance. The incentive for a dog owner to            "... The English Foxhound is a very robust
        win an important competition with his male              breed that has been carefully developed
        is great because lucrative stud fees beckon             over the last 200 years. Stud books have
        afterwards. This puts breeders in a conflict of         been kept since the end of the 18th century,
        interest. If, for example, a DNA test shows             when foxhunting increased significantly

        that a dog with all the desired breed                   due to the decline of the deer population.
        characteristics is also a carrier of a serious
        hereditary disease, should he then be excluded          The animals are bred for endurance and

        from the competition? This could lead to                sociability, which are essential for working
        breeders not having their dogs tested at all as         in a pack. They lead a kind of life of their
        a precaution. If, however, the winner of a              own, never appear in the ring of a dog
        competition does indeed carry the trait ... and         show and do not have to conform to any
        subsequently becomes a popular stud dog, he             Kennel Club breed standard.

        will sire many offspring, at least half of which
        will carry the trait once. ... If a popular stud        ... There are only five English Foxhound
        dog is a carrier of a hereditary disease, this is       packs in Great Britain. As the problems of

        a serious problem.                                      inbreeding have been known for a long
                                                                time, animals have been exchanged

        Whether the genetic health of dogs can be               between the packs since the 1750s to
        improved ultimately depends on the                      maintain a healthy size for the gene pool.
        breeders." (47).
                                                                ... Most pedigree dogs are bred for

        Bryan Sykes also shows us that it is possible           characteristics that please people. The
        to breed a genetically healthy stock over               sloping croup in the German Shepherd, for
        centuries. He uses the English Foxhound as              example, which is expected of a pedigree
        an example.                                             dog, also brings hip disorders. In the case
                                                                of Foxhounds, one would not select an
                                                                animal for breeding at the slightest hint of

                                                                a deformity.
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