Page 30 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 9
P. 30

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                  3  0

                               Althiburos, Tunisia, end of 3rd century AD, detail, catching the hare,
                                        forerunner of the Sloughis © M. Ayeb, G. Mermet

        In the mosaics we have seen exclusively               The muzzle is slightly longer with a slightly-
        illustrations of the type of the forerunners          upward tending line, just as the ears are also
        of the Sloughis, which were native to                 larger, which are also carried slightly
        North Africa. In the increasingly vivid               differently than those of the dogs shown so
        scenes, which are convincing through an               far. The dog appears somewhat slimmer
        incredibly precise observation of details             than the dogs seen so far.

        and thus also knowledge, one has a very
        good idea of the individual participants in           Arrian describes the Vertragus very
        the hunt, especially the fast sighthounds.            precisely, for example the ears and the neck:
        This type has a straight back, a rather
        straight tail, a flat, broad head and                 "The ears should be long and floppy in bitches,
        obviously they are all smooth coated. And             so that they appear bent over because of the

        the ears are all as we see them in the dog            length and floppiness. This is best, but even if
        of Volubilis.                                         they appear straight, it is not bad, as long as
                                                              they are not short and stiff. The neck should
        After we have always been dealing with the            not only be long, but also round and supple ..."
        same type of sighthound, another type                 (15).
        appears in the mosaic of El Jem: also sand-
        coloured, also black (mantled), but with a            The tail is described as follows: "... the tail

        rounded back, slimmer than the dogs                   thin and long, densely haired, supple and
        shown so far, with a curved, long tail                curved ..." (16).
        ending in an open curl towards the tip of
        the tail.
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