Page 31 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 31

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                    3 1

          One must by the way note that these, in            but at last, that these should tell us how the
          general, do not have more than 3 to 4              Sloughis are that they see: their size, their
          Sloughis before their eyes, oftentimes the         head type, their form, their color, as it
          same; one of these evaluators confided in          appears that if the Arab has long sought the

          us at a recent exhibition, that this breed         color sand black mask, since the ownership
          was not widespread and that it was known of long range fire arms, it would currently
          only through some very rare subjects               be the brindle, a color easier to see on sand
          sometimes very different in forms, which           that he would prefer.
          made the judges’ task very difficult. He
          added that there were considerable gaps            To all our best thanks, as well as to the ever
          between the current champions.                     so obliging Direction of the Revue

                                                             Cynégétique et Canine l’Eleveur, which has
          We will welcome with great interest any            been willing to grant us the hospitality of
          documentation that those who know the              its very interesting journal.
          Sloughi well, whether they love him, or
          hate him – we know some in southern
          Tunisia- as too big a destroyer of game,

          About  the  author:  Mr.  O.  Malescot  was  active  in  Sloughis  between  1925  -  1935.  He  was
          instrumental in introducing the Sloughi in sighthound sports in France. Sadly, after World
          War II, I could not find anything from him anymore. MDCdC.

          "Our collaborator Mr. O .Malescot presents to you 3 of his magnificent Sloughis: Hoggar d’el Ksar, Zilda du
          Simoun and Zag du Simoun.  These dogs have a great aptitude for racing and seem to have more endurance
          than  the  Greyhound.    One  of  them  finished  one  run  of  100m  in  31",  that  is  58km  0.64  per  hour  without
          training." in La Vie à La Campagne, 1929.
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