Page 28 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 28
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 2 8
For the Sloughi, nothing if not for the In our opinion one should discard all inbred
standard. crosses because we note in some
exhibitions, Sloughis whose size and shape
Does one have to find the reason in the get close to those of Whippets; others who
independence of character of this superb are emaciated, built on silts with a total
animal? absence of aplomb, and even of muscles.
We do not think so, because other breeds
are equally willful, to which the most Which conditions should a good Sloughi
experienced Cynologists have completely fulfill?
devoted themselves and they have
encountered rare and powerful To answer this question it would be
satisfactions there. necessary, indispensable, that we would be
The larger the effort, the more the informed by our friends of the African
masterpiece must be admired. colonies or protectorate countries who can
judge the Sloughi on site. That they should
Should one rather find the reason for this tell us in a precise manner what work the
indifference toward the Sloughi in the Arab asks of his dog.
remoteness of where he is in his preferred
habitat? Would “L’illustre déprédateur du désert”
(”the famous depredator of the desert”) be
Here again we judge that one would able to charge a herd of gazelles and to kill
perpetrate a big mistake in supporting such only one, if he was cut to reduction? we
a theory. might even soon see Sloughis becoming
Whippets to end up transforming
The Sloughi, with a few precautions, themselves into a little sighthound.
acclimates itself very well in France, and it
is not at a time when there is no other Don’t we witness every day the
issue, in our country, than the breeding of degeneration of the Borzoi- apart from
reindeer and silver foxes, that one would some well managed kennels – to become a
lose interest in one of our most beautiful bedside rug built on legs and which would
African dogs. be in trouble, poor ones, to stand up to a
wolf – but real ones- if they encountered
For this, one needs to preserve all his one in the woods.
purity, all his harmonious lines: hence the
necessity to know, like for the other
sighthounds, the least indications
susceptible to guide the breeding in the
choice, of dams as well as studs, to
preserve the breed without letting it