Page 29 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 29

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   2 9

        However, the Sloughi deserves that one                 An Italian poet, no less, Gabriele
        should get attached to it just like to other           d’Annunzio, knew to define it in a very
        sighthounds.                                           complete manner in his book “Le Feu” (“El
                                                               Fuego”) which is almost a standard, but we
        If, in his so beautiful eyes, he seems to keep         would sincerely pity the judge, who in the
        the yearning of the Orient, his thoughtful             ring, would look for a Sloughi with a
        gaze often turns very soft for his master,             blackish tongue (le Feu p. 253), to award

        for whom he has a rock-solid loyalty, let us           him a CAC.
        call on all the owners of this beautiful
        animal. Of those we also ask if they have              Many things are said about the Sloughi; in
        ever seen a Sloughi lacking in courage;                our opinion not enough of some and too
        cowardice is excluded from his                         much of a romance fantasy, we think
        temperament, which is eminently                        General Daumas exaggerates a little when

        combative.                                             he speaks of this dog; just as there is no
                                                               certainty about his name, nothing
        In no way stupid for that matter, the myth             demonstrates the truth of the legend of the
        of lack of intelligence has lived, and                 creation of the breed by a cross of dogs
        everyone knows that one can train                      with she-wolves, nevertheless supported
        sighthounds; any dog for that matter that              by Buffon, the dog-wolf sighthound.
        one takes care of shows in his existence

        that he does not always act on instinct, but           This hybrid breed would have to go back
        most often by reasoning.                               very far in antiquity, because hieroglyphs of
                                                               certain hypogeum and sarcophagus
        Is the bearing of a Sloughi less majestic              reproduce for us, in a very clear drawing, a
        than that of a Greyhound or a Deerhound?               sighthound that is a spitting image of a
        Certainly not.                                         Sloughi.

        Evidently, his lines, as harmonious as those           More convincing, to demonstrate the
        of the Greyhound or the Syrian, are shorter            antiquity of the Sloughi, is the painting of
        and better adapted to the work the Arabs               the Mastaba of Phtahhetep (Dumichen,
        expect of their dogs, but, nevertheless, we            Resultate, plVII) that we borrow from the
        are convinced that any dog fancier will                so remarkable book of Mr. Alexandre
        recognize: first that there are qualities              Moret, “Rois et Dieux de l’Egypte” (“Kings

        adapted to his function and, next, that he             and Gods of Egypt”).
        can delight the eyes of an artist painter or
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