Page 24 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 24

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   2 4

          And so, it is! The history of this Sloughi, besides providing a lot of information about
          the state of the breed in those days, also indicates that these dogs were not always

          The oriental character, even today, is something that as an owner you do have to know
          how to deal with. But once you do, and the “click” is there, it really is a very special

          Also, our other breeds, the Afghan Hound, and the Saluki (and later the Azawakh), have
          such a special temperament and providing information about them was one of the
          important reasons to establish the NVOW, the breed club in the Netherlands*.

          *Editor’s note: “Nederlandse Vereniging voor Oosterse Windhonden”, now “Nederlandse
          Vereniging voor Afghaanse Windhonden en andere windhondenrassen”. It kept the same
          initials NVOW.
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