Page 20 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 20

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   2 0

        Later in 1920, another little article:                 Because in 1922 we find a report of the
                                                               General Assembly of the club, held on
        “Senoussi, the Moroccan-born Sloeqi male               March 5, 1921. A club with only 24
        purchased by us in France, arrived here on             members but very active. In the annual
        Saturday, the 4th of this year, although               report of the secretary, we find our

        somewhat "tainted" by the long journey, in             Senoussi again as the father of 2 litters.
        good health. He is a robust, big, well grown,          The first one was born on June 20, 1920,
        cheerful boy full of fire and young vitality.          mother Benti van den Roumi, 5 - 3
        Shyness and nerves are unknown to him. He              puppies, breeder Mrs. W. M. C. Klaassen.

        stands straight on his feet. Pity that, as a           And the second on July 2, 1920, with Arbi
        characteristic of the Arab tribe into which he         Benti, 2 - 2 pups, breeder Mrs. G. C. E.
        was born, he is missing a piece of the left ear.       Cammann, also secretary/treasurer of the
        He is otherwise of the same peculiar type as           club.

        the first Sloeqis imported here by the late Le         In those same minutes we also read en
        Gras, and as they appear in some of his                passant that there was a silver August Le
        drawings. The young Arab is now in the                 Gras price that you could win at an
        kennel of Mr. W. G. Zandvoort in Bussum.               exhibition.

        Requests for mating this dog should be
        addressed to the above-mentioned gentleman.
        The stud fee will probably be fl 25,-, which
        will be paid into the club's treasury.”

        It is known that in some tribes at that time
        the dogs were branded for example by three
        horizontal stripes on the inside of the front
        legs or as here, a cut off piece of their ear, as
        proof of ownership.

        That “peculiar type like the first Sloeqis”
        strikes me as a bit odd. First, when I look at
        the picture but especially when you know
        that August Le Gras never visited Morocco
        because he did not like this country at all.
        His Sloughis were all from Algeria and,

        judging from the photos, looked quite
        different. Finally, the stud fee, it appears in a
        following article that it was fl 20,-.
                                                                 Miss Milly H. C. Klaassen with Benti van den
                                                                 Roumi and her puppy Tofla, picture taken
                                                                 September 20, 1917.
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