Page 22 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 22
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 2 2
Sadka (behind, light coloured)
Arbi Benti (in front, darker coloured)
We also present the picture of a pair of Arbi Benti is a daughter of the Arabian
Sloeqi bitches, both owned by the secretary Oktaïa imported by Mr. Cammann, which
of the club, Mr. Cammann of Amsterdam. unfortunately is red in color, so that she
cannot be very successful at exhibitions,
The last one on the photo is Sadka born despite her nice physique. As a brood bitch,
October 11, 1913, whose breeder is Mr. E. however, she has already rendered good
Hamerlink of Terneuzen. Sadka is a very service to the breed, as most of her
fine, elegant, and beautifully built bitch, offspring have the pure sand color. Arbi
which unfortunately is very shy and Benti, however, is one of the exceptions
nervous, so that in the company of many who have inherited their mother's red
people she does not feel at ease: that is color. Mr. Cammann saw her as a good
why she does not show herself very well at breeding bitch because of her nice body
exhibitions. Although she was born in this shape, which looks very nice on the photo,
country, she obviously has the memories of so he gladly overlooked the color defect
the loneliness of the wide desert plains and kept her in his kennel. She is a well-
inherited from her ancestors. Only once built bitch, who stands beautifully on her
did she appear at a tent show, namely at legs and excels by a beautiful long head
the Nimrod-Cynophylia show in The Hague with black mask. Her character is very
in 1918, where under the judge Anema she sweet. She is not at all shy or nervous, but
won 1st prize in the novelty class and the on the contrary very watchful and sharp for
qualification “very good”. strangers. Her pure Arabian blood may
have a very favorable influence on the
The sturdy bitch in the foreground of the breed here in the country, especially since
picture is Arbi Benti, born March 11, 1913, her owner plans to have her mated to the
owned by Mr. Cammann, who is also the newly imported Arabian Senoessï.