Page 18 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 18
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 1 8
In any event, these few records show that In such cases, one usually ends up
the Sloeqis, exported to the Indies, had no abstaining altogether. No doubt Amateur
opportunity to prove their suitability for will make itself available on request to
our colony, because they died more advise interested parties. And once the
unfortunately by accident shortly after Sloeqi has conquered the field in the East
arrival. Indies, the N. S. C. has also made itself
worthy of our Cynology of a beautiful
Except for the former bitch, who, insofar as breed, which deserves to be given a little in
she could be followed in her life, has kept the foreground.
herself exceedingly well.
*Els Siebel’s note: there was a special school
If we add this favourable result of a in those days for people who wanted to work
practical attempt to the absolute certainty in that region as an employee of the
to be established on theoretical grounds government. The suggestion is made to bring
that the Sloeqi is the designated dog for this dog to their attention.
our colony, then it is inevitable that there
must be a future for our Sloeqis in the
Let the Nederlandsche Sloeqi Club (Dutch
Sloeqi Club) advertise in this direction,
both here and in India. Let it bring to the
attention the wonderful qualities of this
noble dog for the students of Official East
India [School]*. It will do a great service to
many enthusiasts, who would like to take a
dog with them, but do not know how to
make their choice based on their ignorance
of everything that is attached to it.