Page 14 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 14
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 1 4
His dogs, among many other pets, were his Who helps?
biggest hobby. He saw to it that the
Sloughis, particularly, received their much- One thing is a pity. Because Le Gras always
needed training. drew the dogs and painted for clients and
therefore did not paint these images in the
Since he did not own a bicycle, he did this, art dealership, they practically all
among other things, by taking them from disappeared in private possession. I would
Laren to the terminus of the tram. He then not be surprised if several of them have
put the dogs out of the tram, after which been lost over the years. Not every heir
they ran after him on the way back and sees the value of a bequeathed dog
were able to do the necessary muscle work. drawing!
There were no cars yet, so this did not pose
any dangers. Of course, the wide heath also We hope to be able to recover some of
offered all the possibilities for a wonderful those missing Sloughi drawings and
racing party. perhaps publish them next time.
Sources for this may be the catalogues of
Le Gras meant a lot to the Sloughis during the remembrance exhibitions, which were
his lifetime. He co-founded the Dutch held in 1915 and 1916 in the Stedelijk
Sloeqi Club (“Nederlandse Sloeqi Club”) in Museum in Amsterdam, in Hamdorff in 1940
1903, wrote a brochure about the breed – 25 years after the master's death – and
and propagated it wherever he could. finally in 1964 – 100 years after his birth in
Hamdorff. Unfortunately, the illustrations
With this breed, the Netherlands was then in those catalogues never feature dogs,
far at the top in Europe. while in the lists of exhibits works are only
listed as “dog” or “dogs”, followed by e.g.,
But the most important thing for the breed “Privately owned” or “municipality
were his drawings and paintings of Museum”.
Sloughis. Especially because of his – what I
called – dream etching, which still shows If there are a few readers who can give us a
the enthusiasts what a well-built Sloughi tip in this area, they are very welcome!
should look like in overall image and in Who knows, what we will do as a result of
parts. An image to which we will have to this, we might still be able to gain
adhere if we want to keep the breed in its knowledge about the original Sloughis!
original shape.