Page 10 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 10

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                    1 0

        Marriage                                                A life with animals

        Although it was hardly to be expected, this             After a journey of almost a year, the couple
        restless artist's soul also turned out to be            returned to fatherland. Legend has it that
        longing for a home of his own. That is how              Le Gras returned with his wife and seven

        he married on November 2, 1899, to a                    Sloughis, all in joyful anticipation. Vogel has
        doctor's daughter from the Hague society,               been able to confirm this to me except as
        Pierette Fréderique Smits.                              far as the maternal prospects of the dogs
                                                                are concerned.
        August couldn't have done better. The
        young woman had a lack of respect for                   She was born on October 1, 1900 and

        society life in The Hague and felt                      experienced her first exhibition at the
        completely at home in the “Logement                     Paleis voor Volksvlijt in Amsterdam, where
        Pandelaar” on the Brink in Laren. A sparse              Father August built an Arab camp in one of
        house, in which there was no water, no gas,             the side rooms with tents, date palms in
        no electricity and of course no telephone.              pots and abundant sand on the floor. There
                                                                he presented with wife and child in Arabic
        They did not stay long in the Netherlands,              clothing, surrounded by the seven Sloughis,

        because August took his young bride on an               with great success the breed so beloved by
        extensive introductory trip through Algeria             him.
        and Tunisia. They visited, dressed in
        national attire, sheiks, and tribal elders far          In an interesting article in “Onze Hond” of
        away as they were in the most remote                    March 1979, G. de Josselin de Jong writes
        areas in the Sahara. They received several              about this, that the Saharan female there

        valuable wedding gifts, including – such as             stirring innocently pulled a stunt that the
        Toepoel called it – the noblest of their                most sophisticated-selling advertising
        sighthounds. Morocco was carefully                      executive would not have come up with so
        avoided because August did not feel at                  immediately. Tucked away from head to toe
        home there. The cynological consequence                 under thickening burnous thighs and
        of this was that all the Sloughis he                    hermetically veiled, she would have given
        imported were real desert dogs for the long             the child the ivory-white breast next to the

        hunt, sand-colored and completely built                 passing audience.
        and muscular for their daily work: the hunt
        for gazelles, hares and so on.
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