Page 11 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 11
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 1 1
This story deserves some correction. The But they lived happily. From an early age,
Arabian female was Mrs. Le Gras herself; each child had their own task in the
she was not veiled — as the photograph in household. There was a lot to do with the
my possession shows; besides, the women huge animal population. Sometimes it
of the Touaregs never wear the veil, but the included about twenty Sloughis, housed in
men do! – and the child was the later eldest spacious runs, an Algerian guard dog,
and then only daughter “Bird”. Who, chickens, rabbits, and pigeons – all breeds
incidentally, does not remember the food – goats, turkeys, hedgehogs, turtles, and
so graphically described, as is occasionally an alien species. Especially
understandable, but does not consider it when father returned from a trip, the
out of the question. livestock increased in size.
There are more stories that need a slight That also sometimes gave difficulties.
correction. So wrote Koenraeds, that the Especially when one night a shipment of
Le Gras family went for a walk on Sundays, chameleons was received, which spread
mother behind a stroller with the youngest throughout the house in no time. One even
sprout and across the wagon a large tangled himself in Bird’s braids. They
umbrella for the always expected rain. Bird turned out to be unsuitable for domestic
indignantly denies this. The Le Gras family life, as well as the Fennec foxes, who
had a simple first few years not having the returned from another trip and threatened
means to purchase such a costly vehicle. the poultry population with extermination.
They lived in poor conditions and cut their They were all an asset to Artis.
coats short.