Page 7 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 7
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 0 7
Renewed interest in the Sloughi Finally, a trace!
In recent years, the Sloughis have been on But just as I came to the excellent article by
the rise again. They regularly appear at Eckhard Schritt on the Sloughi in “der
exhibitions and the number of publications Windhundfreund” of February 1978 on page
about the breed is increasing. A nice side 27 I found again another print of my dream
effect is that older literature is now also etching – unfortunately mistakenly with
being mined. Such as the brochure the signing displayed in mirror writing –
published in 1903 by the then the phone rang. A cynological friend told
“Nederlandsche Sloequi Club”, written by me: “I have spoken to a daughter of Le Gras.
Le Gras, and the slightly thicker edition of She knows a lot about her father and his
46 pages published in 1906, in which the hobbies. She will be happy to have a
first brochure was included and a number conversation with you.”
of amusing stories were also published,
worth reprinting. Extremely rare writings, After more than 40 years, I finally got the
of which only a few are known. chance to get to know Le Gras. From the
inside, as he lived with his family, with his
But even the brochure of Le Gras itself only art and with all those ups and downs that
shows that he was a Dutchman, very much the true artist tends to experience.
in the company of the migratory nomads in
the desert and had pledged his heart to the It became a story of poverty and
powerfully muscled, sand-colored Arabian deprivation, fearless perseverance,
sighthound, which he took with him in its courage, and danger to life on endless
pure form to Holland and thus wished to journeys through the desert, where death
keep him. was a steady companion. A life story that
would be worth a movie. I have tried to
I must confess that it bothered me that record some of this before the existing
such a well-known name, associated with sources have dried out.
images and publications in many countries,
belonging to one of the most valuable
cynologists in our country, lacked any
personal background.
That background, his life and works,
remained shrouded in a mysterious haze
that could not be lifted.