Page 8 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 8

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   0 8

        Memories of a father

        Of August Le Gras' five children, the eldest
        and youngest daughters are still alive; I
        have talked to both. The oldest is born in
        1900 Mrs. widow Louise Pauline
        Westerling-Le Gras, by friends and
        acquaintances called “Bird”; colorful name,

        which I use for brevity, albeit in audacity.

        A charming and lively old lady, who
        remembers all the facts and dates
        flawlessly from memory. She provided most                   Moesa by Le Gras, pup of 3 months, 1908

        of the data because her youngest sister,
        Mrs. widow Johanna Theodora Kúhn-Le                  The difficult childhood years
        Gras, was only 6 years old when their
        father died.                                         The Le Gras family is originally French.
                                                             August's grandfather emigrated to our
        Despite this, she has taken over his desire          country as a Catholic craftsman. His son,
        for the unknown places and still wanders             also still of French nationality, married here

        frequently through desert and wilderness.            to a Lutheran woman of German origin.
        From him she also inherited the love for             Two sons and three daughters were born,
        the Sloughi and managed to turn it into              who obtained Dutch nationality. One of
        tangible reality.                                    those sons was August, born on February
                                                             21, 1864 in Amsterdam, where the family
        I am grateful to both ladies for the unique          stayed.

        photos, which I was able to take from the
        carefully preserved family album. We were            August didn't get it easy early on. He was
        also very happy with the contact we got              not yet 12 years old, when his father
        with Mrs. A. N. Le Gras, since last year             abandoned the family. He was later buried
        widow of the youngest son of the family,             in Venlo as “unknown”. Social services did
        August Nicolaas, born in 1905. To our great          not exist yet at that time and so August, as
        surprise and joy, we found the original of           the eldest son, had the care of the whole

        our dream etchings with her, of which a              family pressed upon his young shoulders.
        photo is printed here - furthermore, a               He worked at the liqueur distillery of
        painting and a drawing of a Sloughi head.            Wijnand Focking and earned extra money
        The latter, made in 1908 from the then               through his own business. But in addition,
        three-month-old puppy Moesa, we also                 an enormous urge to draw and paint grew
        included in our photo gallery.                       in him.
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