Page 5 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 5

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   0 5


                                             Who was that Le Gras?

                             BY VAN OMMEN KLOEKE, in Onze Hond 1979 - THE NETHERLANDS

        The dream etching

        I first met it in 1935. I found it in the book
        “Our Dogs” by P. M. C. Toepoel, published

        just two years earlier. A book that, like the
        then secretary of the Council of
        Management, J. L. J. J. Harms, in his
        preface, remarked, is “in its concise form a
        useful and instructive work and would be of
        interest to a large circle of dog lovers

        precisely because of this brevity.”

        After the extensive and costly standard
        works that had been published beforehand,                 The dream etching of August Le Gras from 1900
        Toepoel ushered in a new era by writing

        the first general cynological book, which              “August Le Gras, the painter of North
        was affordable to everyone and by his                  Africa, was the friend of the sheiks, and
        pleasant and often entertaining style                  received from them as a gift what is not for
        necessitated reading and thus constituted              sale, the noblest of their sighthounds. Le
        an important advocacy for Cynology.                    Gras' Sloughis were famous in Europe and
                                                               how do we oldies look at that and I don't
        The book is illustrated with photographs of            know what of his beautiful Arabs.”

        each breed being discussed. But I was
        struck by the one exception to this, a                 I was 21 when I read this. Perhaps it was
        beautiful drawing, which appears on page               that age that made me dream of distant
        175, with: “Sloughi, etching of the late August        deserts, wild Tuaregs, beautiful Arabian
        Le Gras”, underneath. The Sloughi is                   horses and now also of those elegant,

        rendered so flawlessly in detail that it could         light-footed oriental sighthounds.
        have been an extremely successful
        illustration of the breed's standard.                  The drawing of Le Gras became my dream
                                                               etching. And I wondered: Who and what is
        In the text section, Toepoel writes:                   that Le Gras? Is he a Frenchman or
                                                               perhaps a Dutchman? But I couldn't find
                                                               anything about him anywhere.
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