Page 9 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 9

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   0 9

        He gave drawing lessons for a quarter an              The first trip to Algiers
        hour and he also earned money by

        repainting family portraits. When later               It was the beer brewer Heineken who gave
        there was some more income and the other              the young Le Gras in 1890 the opportunity
        children started earning as well, he also             of his life by having him make a study trip
        took his first drawing lessons himself.               to Algiers at his expense. August had an
                                                              enormous talent for languages and soon
        At a young age, he developed a great love             became fluent in the national language.
        for the animal world. He often visited the

        wealthy Blaauw family on their country                Moreover, because of his origin, he looked
        estate in 's-Graveland and made himself               rather southern and soon distinguished
        worthy by being helpful in the small zoo              himself, dressed in burnous, in nothing
        there. He also made many sketches of the              from the indigenous population. This later
        living stock there and stood out among the            served him well, such as in a raid by
        many distinguished guests who came to                 wandering Tuaregs on a caravan which he

        stay at the estate.                                   had joined. And especially those times,
                                                              when between 1910 and 1914 he was the
        Among them was Mr. Westerman, director                only European in the Tunisian holy city of
        of Artis, who was so struck by the young              Kairouan to experience the also holy war.
        man's talent that he provided him with a
        separate room in his zoo where he could               After a year and a half in Algeria, Heineken
        indulge his artistic sense to his heart's             died, and August was forced to return to

        content.                                              the Netherlands. He now had to make a
                                                              complete living from his painting and
        August turned out to have an excellent                produced large numbers of paintings and
        drawing talent. That earned him increasing            drawings to keep his head above water.
        requests to draw pets. He now devoted
        himself entirely to the visual arts and               Fortunately, another sponsor showed up,

        painted at 18 years old already the so                the Amsterdam businessman Jan van
        famous “Dead monkey”, printed on page 89              Eeghen, who enabled August to make three
        of the beautiful book “Gooise Schilders” by           more trips to Algeria and Tunisia.
        Jan P. Koenraeds published by Strengholt in
        1969. This book also contains much to read
        about August as a painter. I may refer to
        that. However, little attention is paid to his

        important activities as a cynological painter
        and painter cynologist, so that we will try
        to fill that gap here.
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