Page 16 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 16

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                    1 6

                                          A DOG FOR INDIA

                                   BY CYNOLOGIST-OUTDOORMAN, in Dutch Dog Sport
                                 (De Nederlandsche Hondensport) 1922 - THE NETHERLANDS

        The matter-of-fact wise description of the            We see that first we must note the
        cynological situation by Amateur, in the              unfavourable climate with the oppressive,
        previous issue, is of the utmost importance           sultry heat, so that heavily haired breeds

        to us, dog lovers.                                    are already excluded. In the mountains
                                                              (Preanger), because of the milder climate at
        In vain we had long looked forward to some            2 to 3 thousand feet altitude, thin-long hair
        practical hints about keeping dogs in our             would still go, if necessary, but then the
        tropics. Strangely enough, for a country              objection of the ticks also stands in the way
        which has its own colonies, the data we               of this possibility.

        received were usually very inadequate. It
        was occasionally heard that this or that              Because of the climate: shorthair.
        person had brought a few purebred dogs to             Furthermore, Amateur mentions the
        the East, but that was usually the first and          opposition of the native to the "unclean!"
        last thing they heard of it.                          dog. It is therefore best not to take a dog, if
                                                              the circumstances do not allow you to take
        After reading the article by Amateur, who             care of it yourself and if one cannot

        wants to hide his cynological knowledge               prevent the native environment from being
        behind this humble name, it is clear to us            bothered or disturbed by him in any other
        that the dogs in question must have led to a          way; in those cases, poisoning is imminent.
        fiasco, which is why we heard nothing
        more about it.                                        It will therefore be necessary to take a dog
                                                              that is very obedient; by attachment to the

        It is certainly understandable that one               person of his master no kampong*
        must first be well versed in the country              wanderer; of peace-loving nature not
        before one can proceed to keep dogs,                  prone to quarrel with other dogs; of not too
        whose existence in our tropics is                     great a friskiness or wit inclined to aim at
        threatened by so many hostile factors. Now            the bare legs of the natives; etc. In a word,
        that Amateur has opened our eyes, even                a calm, obedient dog.
        without being a former guest, we are

        already better able to make a judgment at             *Els Siebel’s note: “kampong” meaning a
        least about the suitability of the breeds for         Malaysian enclosure or village. In those
        colonization.                                         areas there were always a lot of dogs
                                                              roaming around.
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