Page 17 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 17
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 1 7
If I consider the breeds according to their I have often been astonished that his noble
outer and inner characteristics, it seems to qualities have not magically opened the
me that the Fox Terrier, who according to doors of the Sloeqi to the distinguished
Amateur is quite represented in our East, is houses.
not the most suitable dog. He is fierce,
nervous, busy. As a result, he will suffer I had also thought of him as a dog for our
unnecessarily from heat, which his colonies. I inquired with the chairman of
temperament must then help him through. the Dutch Sloeqi Club, whether he also
Also, by his mobility, fierceness on vermin, knew, who had brought a Sloeqi to India
easily aroused drive, he will probably and with what result. Mr. Cammann
become a reason to become an annoyance willingly gave us what little information he
to the native, with his innate phlegmatic could give.
In 1906 or 1908 Mr. Amesz, since deceased,
My mind wanders indiscriminately to a dog took a Sloeqi bitch to India. She was bred
that meets every conceivable requirement to a Greyhound there. After the death of
for a stay in the tropics, in terms of its Mr. Amesz, the trail of the bitch and the
hardiness against the climate and which, in descendants was lost here. In any case, it
terms of character, also fits perfectly into shows that the bitch fulfilled the motherly
the Eastern environment. I mean the duties well and was therefore healthy and
Sloeqi. at ease. Had there been a Sloeqi male in the
vicinity, the foundation stone for Indian
The Sloeqi no longer needs to prove that he Sloeqi breeding would have been laid and
can tolerate heat: in the Sahara it is even one would not have had to resort to a
hotter than in Java. His character is gentle Greyhound. A male and female were taken
and peace-loving; he is extremely attached in 1914 by Mr. v. V, but died shortly
to his boss and too haughty to easily give afterwards, probably poisoned.
himself off with others. In the house he is
quiet and graceful, but on the walk running In the same year a male was sent out, who
and galloping is his sweet desire; so that he on one of the company’s “The Netherlands”
is not a constantly depressed creature, who boats completed the trip well, but was run
would eventually get bored, but a dog full over by a car shortly after arriving in
of self-control, who only at the auspicious Batavia. As to “Haoeësj”, the beautiful male,
moments leaves his zest for life and life brought by Mr. Le Gras from Southern
force the free rein.* Algeria and passed into the possession of
the Sultan of Djokjokarta, the Club has no
*Els Siebel’s note: only at good moments will more information.
the dog let his joy for life and his power for
life force the free run.