Page 19 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 19
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 1 9
(Who therefore is not the 'boss' if you ask
the Sloughi )
Senoussi was born in April 1918, parents
unknown, near Fez. When he was 2 months
old, he was taken to France. On April 4,
1920, he arrived in the Netherlands.
He first stayed with Mr. Cammann and on
April 10 he went to Mr. Zandvoort. On July
11, 1920, the dog was loaned (so it says) to
G. A. Fiets. In November 1920 the dog was
sold to the gamekeeper Been (see below).
I wrote earlier about the old Sloughi From my long-time Sloughi friend
Studbook, a brown leather-bound book Dominique Crapon de Caprona, I received a
weighing as much as 17,5 pounds series of articles in Dutch from “de
containing information about almost all Nederlandsche Hondensport”, many from
Sloughis that lived in the Netherlands in 1920. And let it now contain all kinds of
the period from 1896 to the late 1930s. Each information about Senoussi! Something
dog has its own page, some even with one Dominique obviously could not read (well).
or more photos. In those days photographs
were not as common as nowadays and The first entry in the “Club News” section,
people often went to a photo studio to Nederlandsche Sloeqi Club, is from 1920.
capture their dogs neatly on film. “Thanks to the kind and highly appreciated
cooperation and support of a number of
One of the dogs listed in this pedigree book people (the names are listed extensively,
has intrigued me for some time. It concerns there was no privacy law at the time) who
the Sloeqi (that is how the breed was each deposited 10, -, the missing amount to
written at the time) male Senoussi. With purchase the new Sloeqi male is now
the owner it is in fact mentioned: the collected.” “Snoussi, the young Arab has
Dutch Sloeqi Club. That is quite special. been purchased by us and will probably
And, but you often saw that, that this dog arrive here in the country at the beginning
had several owners in a short time. Often a of March.” The dog's name was incorrectly
sign that it did not click between the written here because in the pedigree book
'difficult' oriental character and the owner. he was entered as Senoussi.