Page 21 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 21

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                    2 1

        Next, we come to the treasurer's report.              The financial report shows that fl 10,- was
        There we read that on February 5, a                   paid for board and the dog was sold for fl
        circular letter was sent to the members               45,- (fl 50,- minus fl 5,- board). He did bring
        (cost of this fl 2,86 for 50 pieces) in which it      in fl 40,- in stud fees.
        was announced that the club now had the
        opportunity to buy a male Sloeqi, born in             The studbook mentions that in July 1922
        Morocco, in France, at a price not too high.          the dog was sold to G. van Barneveld Kooy.

        That was 1000 French francs, at the time fl           That is the last line on his page. Perhaps
        178, -. The treasury could only provide fl 50,        less docile as thought, we will never know.
        -, so the help of the members was sought.
        This resulted in voluntary contributions of           The following article appeared in the 1920
        fl 160.                                               Nederlandsche Hondensport:

        The sale was soon concluded and in April              THREE SLOEQIS.
        Senoussi arrived. He was admitted to the
        kennel of Mr. W. G. Zandvoort in Bussum.              Some weeks ago, we were able to report
        And that does not go quite well, which in             the safe arrival of the Sloeqi dog Senoessi,
        itself is not so surprising with 2 adult              who was bought in France by the Dutch
        strange Sloughi males.                                Sloeqi Club in order to renew the blood of

                                                              the Sloeqi material present in our country.
        We read further: “Mister Zandvoort was
        unfortunately obliged after a few months to           Senoessi was a real Arabian, which had
        find a new home for the new Arab because of           been taken to France as a puppy from his

        repeated life and death fights with his other         native country. The photo, which we
        Sloughi male, the well-known champion                 reproduced of this male at that time, was
        Caïd. Senoussi then came into the hands of            not very successful and did not show the
        Dr. Fiets in Poortugaal. Due to the unruly            beautiful body of this noble male very well.
        nature of the Arab, this gentleman had to             But for lack of better we had to be content

        give us the dog again. We then sent him to            with it.
        dressage with the gamekeeper J. Been in
        Nieuw Vennep. However, as the club's                  However, we are now able to give a better
        finances were not sufficient to pay for the           picture of this new importation, which we

        dressage and boarding costs for a long time,          hasten to print herewith, so that the
                                                              owners of SIoeqi bitches may see what a
        it was decided to sell the dog to the said            fine dog the Dutch Sloeqi Club has brought
        gamekeeper.  Thanks to the tact and                   within our borders, for the improvement of
        unspeakable patience of Mr. Been, Senoussi            the breed.

        has now become a docile dog.”
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