Page 23 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 23
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 2 3
There was a time, when the Sloeqi breeding Sloeqís.
flourished here in this country. It was in Males.
the days, now many years ago, when Le No 52. “Caïd” 1rst price Open Class, Special
Gras had imported his first dogs from price. In spite of his almost eleven years of
Algeria, and many dog lovers, struck by the age still a good dog, stands well on his legs,
grace of these desert children, applied otherwise well-known and described by the
themselves to the breeding of this new and judges. General appearance “Very Good”.
strange breed.
No 53. “Senoussi”. 2nd prize Open Class,
But after a few years of great prosperity, pity, that this dog had not yet recovered
the zeal faded. Due to the great difficulty in from his long journey (Paris-Amsterdam)
obtaining new dogs for blood replacement, and probably experienced malnutrition in
they kept going round and round in the France during the war. The standing of this
same circle. dog was also bad, as far as the head is
concerned, I prefer this one to that of
Now there is a new wave of interest among “Caïd”, for the rest I think he is a beautiful
dog fanciers and new imports from recent large dog, which only total freedom and a
times will probably be able to give the lot of alternating food can put on a good
breed its early bloom back. End of article. footing. Overall appearance “Good”.
Special that even back then the red color Finally, a cry from the judge Jan Opten:
was considered deviant and less desirable
for the Sloughi. At that time there was no “Before ending my report, I cannot
mention of the distinction Sloughi - sufficiently point out to the Ladies and
Azawakh. That came in Europe only around Gentlemen Sloeqi owners, give your dogs
1980. absolute freedom of movement at least twice
a day; one hour or a few hours a day is
In the same magazine are judging reports especially for a young sighthound far from
of the Sloughis entered at the first sufficient to develop and grow up firmly.
international one-day dog show of the Frolicking with breed mates and other dogs
Kynologenclub Delft en Omstreken, is the right thing to do, although one is
including the males Caïd and Senoussi:
always not freed from worries and
misfortune, but a sighthound raised on a
EXHIBITION leash can never take a bike ride or go
Kynologenclub “Delft en Omstreken.” (No hunting, nor make a good impression at an
date given). exhibition.” JAN OPTEN.