Page 25 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 3
P. 25
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 2 5
A short interaction in L’Eleveur 1930 - FRANCE
Me too, I love Sloughis. Note of the redaction.
I have hunted many years with them with
my Spahi company. It is evident that a period of acclimatation
is necessary for the imported Sloughi; but
Your correspondent, who signs “Un one may add that that this is not a unique
Amateur de Sloughis” forgets an important case and that the habituation to climate, to
point in favor of Greyhounds: the climate, habitat, is indispensable for all or almost
gentlemen, the climate! I have imported varieties of imported dogs; the Greyhounds
thousands of dogs, I am compelled to say themselves are very often – we have had
that the Persians, the South-Algerians et recent examples - indisposed during the
the Moroccans suffer terribly from our first weeks of their stay in France.
humid winters.
The purebred Sloughi is a very rustic dog
They are dogs used to run on sand, the that acclimates quickly, with good care;
conformation of their paws is special; they before 1914, since then for 25 years, the
tire quickly on the track and they best breeding of Sloughis on the continent
embarrass themselves on grass. was in Holland; and the climate in Holland
is more humid and colder than in France;
The Borzoi would be excellent for long and each year breeders were imported, I
distance runs: it will never get a start like would even say that the losses in that
the Greyhound. In the Russian steppes, it is Sloughi kennel well less elevated than in
wonderful at the real hunt: experiments other kennels.
with artificial lures have been pitiful.
Before the war, Mr. Vanaise had a very
That is why it is one of the thousand interesting Sloughi breeding, since then I
reasons that I prefer the Greyhound and can cite the kennels of Mrs. Siméon and Mr.
that I have advised friends to have a Caffin Delagrange, and of Mr. Malescot, the
sighthound of each kind, but to specialize latter in the region of Grenoble which is
in Greyhounds if one wanted a practical not renowned for the mildness of its
dog, acclimatizing well in France, running winters, and many more.
for the pleasure of running, even behind
that horrible and noisy imitation that an How many Persians have been brought
electrical hare is. back by our officers that were part of our
army’s Syrian contingent and that have
Pierre Galut acclimated very well.